Tag Archives: Technology

How to Make Breakout Rooms (in Zoom) Work Better

Breakout rooms: love them or hate them? Many professors use them to spark conversation and group work in online classes. But students often find them painfully awkward.

So, not long ago, I asked readers for suggestions on how to design effective breakout rooms. I heard from many of you.”

A Radical Guide to Spending Less Time on Your Phone

“My phone, once a source of liberation — I could check my email without having to go home, which meant I could spend more time out doing things — eventually became a weight that tied me down. Instead of making me better at my job, it started preventing what Cal Newport calls “deep work” — focused, dedicated, creative time. Instead of helping me have fun, it was making me miserable.” https://forge.medium.com/a-radical-guide-to-spending-less-time-on-your-phone-a5419b1538ee

Online Therapist’s Daily Checklist

“If you’re a therapist who’s new to being an online therapist, it’s understandable if you’re slightly nervous about this different way of working. Perhaps you’re wondering what essential information you might require. Firstly, you could read my guide to the six most important things online therapists need to know. This will give you some basic information.”


Hooked on your phone? Anderson Cooper can relate

“That phone in your pocket is like a slot machine. Every time you check it, you’re pulling the lever to see if you get a reward.

At least that’s how former Google product manager Tristan Harris sees it. This week on 60 Minutes, he tells correspondent Anderson Cooper that Silicon Valley programmers are engineering your phone and its apps to make you check them more and more.”

5 Digital Resolutions Everyone Should Make (and Keep!)

“It’s that time of year again, when we’re all vowing to take better care of our bodies and our money, see more places and do more things, spend more time with friends and family, and generally trying to become better, more successful people.

Given that this is the Digital Era, it’s fitting that we should consider including digital resolutions as part of this annual renewal process. With that in mind, I offer the following recommendations for commitments people should make (and keep!) in the coming year.”

5 Digital Resolutions Everyone Should Make (and Keep!).

We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

“As the Digital Era continues to progress and social and digital technologies become more fully integrated into not just the work we do, but how we do it, there’s an increasing need for all workers to be digitally literate and competent. Here are some of the things organizations, organizational leaders, and individuals can and should do to increase current capabilities and lay a foundation for ongoing growth and development.”

via We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready.

Why You Should Take Notes By Hand — Not on a Laptop

“This new research suggests that even when students aren’t doing anything else, taking notes on a laptop hinders their ability to learn. This is something of a surprise. What isn’t a surprise, though, is that real-life students that use laptops seldom focus on the lecture.”

Why you should take notes by hand — not on a laptop – Vox.